How to complete ‘Loose Ends’ on veteran

Updated October 2010

So, you’re making good progress on your veteran play-through of Modern Warfare 2.  It’s all going reasonably well until you hit ‘Loose Ends’ like a brick wall.  Whatever you try and do, you just can’t get through it.  I’m talking about the part where you’ve got to run to the LZ from Makarov’s safe house.  So I’m going to give a few tips so that the mission will should be as painless as possible, as I found all other content on the internet to be pretty much useless.

I restarted the mission three or four times, and was stuck on this mission for days.  So whilst I can’t call myself an expert, I’m pretty well-versed in this mission!  If you’ve got any tips for this mission or anything else you’d like to add, please share!  In the mean time, here’s my guide:

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