Access to Uncharted 2 Multiplayer beta with inFamous

Access to Uncharted 2 Multiplayer beta with inFamous– Well, this confirms the Uncharted 2 multiplayer rumours.  Still, I’d have much rather had a single player demo of Uncharted 2.  I guess this is better than nothing.  See also: all of Kotaku’s Uncharted 2 coverage.

Direct-feed Uncharted 2 screenshots

Direct-feed Uncharted 2 screenshots– Whatever you want to call it: direct-feed, high res, high quality etc.  But these are some of the finest Uncharted 2 screenshots I’ve seen.  This news item went under my radar due to my recent internet downtime.  But never fear, I’ve got all your Uncharted news!

Uncharted 2 preview in Game Informer reveals juicy details

Uncharted 2 preview in Game Informer reveals juicy details– Interesting to hear of Drake’s new sidekick: Chloe Frazer, voiced by Claudia Black (Stargate SG-1)… but what about Elena and Sully?!  Also interesting to note: The game will also reportedly use “nearly 100%” of the PS3’s power (Drake’s Fortune has been quoted as using 30%)

Naughty Dog: Uncharted 2 Teaser is Real-Time

Naughty Dog: Uncharted 2 Teaser is Real-Time– If you read the article, it’s absolutely true.  It was the same with Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune which is probably why it earned accolades of best-looking game.  Seriously though, on top of everything else, the visuals in this series are something rather special to behold.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Revealed

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Revealed– Words cannot describe how excited I am about this.  The original Uncharted was everything I loved about games: great plot, an amazing sound track, visuals to die for, and super-tight controls.  In other words, the perfect package.  I can’t wait to find out more about Uncharted 2!

The making of Uncharted: In-depth

The making of Uncharted: In-depth– Absolutely fascinating read; especially to an Uncharted fanatic such as myself.  Check out the video at the end, it offers a real insight into the development process.  Of course, there’s more goodness like this to unlock on the game disk.  Completely worth it.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is amazing

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is amazing- I’ve been playing it quite heavily over the past weekend, and it just rocks my socks. At first I wasn’t so sure about the plaudits of best ever graphics and cracking gameplay, but it’s true. Looks like everyone else agrees that it is awesome.

What I’ve been playing: the better-late-than-never edition

Wow, it’s been a while since I last blogged about gaming, but it’s been a pretty hectic year for me, and I took a bit of a break from blogging (and gaming) in general. I just about kept on gaming because so many games in 2012 were a disappointment for me.  So what did I … Continue reading What I’ve been playing: the better-late-than-never edition

PS Vita: Initial Impressions

A guest post by James Kanner. Once upon a time, the handheld gaming market was dominated solely by Nintendo and its Gameboy brand. But now, with many iOS and Android devices offering cheaper and more accessible alternatives to the DS, 3DS, and PSP, the portable gaming market has become extremely competitive. Sony has responded to … Continue reading PS Vita: Initial Impressions