Welcome to my mega review for the past three months of 2011. In this post are mini-reviews of L.A. Noire, Modern Warfare 3, and Assassin’ Creed Revelations. Some scores may surprise you.
L.A. Noire
This is one of those games I didn’t expect to be buying when heading into 2011. Then the reviews came rolling in. The trailers, the countless articles. I had to get this game.
It just goes to show how far Rockstar have come. You’ve got a sandbox city, you can play certain cases in whatever order you want, and you’ve got discretion on how you want to play through the cases. So far, so GTA. But this time you’re on the other side of the law- you are the law.
I doubt a game like this would have even been possible a few years ago: the advanced motion capture on actors’ faces- detailed enough to show/betray emotion, the look and feel of such a huge living, breathing city, and the noir storyline. Breathtaking.
Verdict: 4 out of 5 STARS