More PS3 Gaming- In addition to being captivated by Locoroco Cocoreccho, Super Rub a Dub is a lot of fun as well. Again, excellent value for two small downloadable games. Anyhow, after having played heavy amounts of Assassin’s Creed since I got my PS3, my other new favourites are Resistance: Fall of Man and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. I like a bit of variety these days and try not to hammer one game to death (like Assassin’s Creed, I must admit). I’ll try to give some thoughts and opinions on these two epics at some point.
Tag: LocoRoco Cocoreccho
A little bit of PS3 indulgence
A little bit of PS3 indulgence- I’ve been playing a sick amount of LocoRoco Cocoreccho! over the past couple of days. For such a small and cheap downloadable game off the PlayStation Store, you may think there’s not much to it, but I’m just astounded. There’s so much gameplay and replay value. On top of that, I’m loving the SIXAXIS interaction.