PS2 Games To Appear On The PSN Store

PS2 Games To Appear On The PSN Store- Says The Sixth Axis.  Rumours of PS2 backwards compatibility already added in secretly to firmware 2.20 etc…  Eventually, all’s I want is to be able to put in PS2 discs and play them on my PS3, just like my friend who has a 60GB PS3.  Damn you!  Anyhow, read the article on The Sixth Axis and decide for yourself.  I’m taking this one with a pinch of salt for now.

PLAYSTATION Store offline

PLAYSTATION Store offline- With all this interest over the PLAYSTATION Store and its revamp, I thought I’d take a look but it’s offline for maintenance. Here’s hoping that there are some unexpected goodies or something. I’ll check again later.

UPDATE: It was only temporary.  The Store was back in action a few hours later.

Gorgeous new PLAYSTATION Store

I would have posted this as an aside, but I wanted to include the a picture of the new visual style of the store:

New PLAYSTATION Store preview

(Click the above image for high-res goodness)

The update to the PLAYSTATION Store will be around mid-April, during which there will be a firmware upgrade required for the PS3 in order to use the new store.  This is because the store will be software-based, and not a website, as is currently the case.  There will be no content updates due to the store between now and the update.

Visually the store redesign seems to have taken a page off the SingStar Store, which is no bad thing.  Seriously though, this is great news.  Whilst the old store could have said to have fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, the new design doesn’t seem to have any critics (so far).

Who benefits from the update?  Only PS3 users at the moment, although the PC version of the store will probably be updated sometime in the future.  The new store should be very fast, compared to the old store, due to its software-based nature.  I have to admit, whilst browsing the store, it has felt like wading through treacle.

Anyhow- here’s to more good stuff coming from Sony!  (And to some extra content for the store after the redesign).  Yet what I’ve noticed on the official forums, has been an ever-increasing demand for the release of Home and the long awaited in-game XMB.

Great Zeus!

The upcoming God of War Entertainment Pack gives bloodthirsty players a brand new red PSP, a copy of Chains of Olympus, Syphon Filter: Combat Ops and the UMD movie Superbad — all for $199.

Sayeth PSP Fanboy

I’d like to know if there’s any details on this gorgeous piece of kit heading anywhere near Europe, at all?  Meanwhile, you can check out the box art below (click on image for high-res screenshot):

See also: back of red PSP

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue: The “Mixtape”

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue: The “Mixtape”– Check it out on PlayStation.Blog.  The right music can make the crucial difference in the enjoyment of a game.  The same goes with driving, and so the Prologue team has scoured music libraries for that unique blend of classic tracks and recorded unique remixes that just make the perfect driving experience- worth a read.

LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 release windows confirmed

LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 release windows confirmed– SCEE has confirmed that LittleBigPlanet and Killzone 2 are due for release for September this year, with Insomniac’s launch title sequel, Resistance 2, down for a November release.  I can’t wait for any of these titles, they’re all very compelling.  At least it gives me enough time to save up for them!