Make your PLAYSTATION Eye work on Windows– Now this is cool, props off to the very talented guy who made this work; some great backwards-engineering. Obviously the camera will work on any computer potentially, but Sony has not made any drivers for anything apart from the PLAYSTATION 3. The question is, will any computer users be interested in using the PS Eye?
Tag: PlayStation Eye
Buzz!: Quiz TV Special Edition arrives for the holidays
Buzz!: Quiz TV Special Edition arrives for the holidays– Looks sweet! Has everything I’d want and need: wireless Buzz! controllers, some extra content, and PLAYSTATION Eye compatibility. I just need it at the right price, then I might get it this Christmas.
Official Bluetooth Headset for the PLAYSTATION 3
Official Bluetooth Headset for the PLAYSTATION 3– I’ll be picking one of these beauties up at some point. I’ll be using it for Warhawk and it’ll be interesting to get some online chat going (with the PLAYSTATION Eye as well). Bring on the goodness!
Got myself a PlayStation Eye
Got myself a PlayStation Eye– Yea, I’m playing with the big boys now. Don’t quite know what I’ll do with it at the moment, though I’m sure it’ll come in handy (LittleBigPlanet, EyePet).
Keeping an ‘Eye’ on things
Keeping an ‘Eye’ on things– As soon as I saw the EyePet trailer I immediately thought the ‘draw’ functionality looked familiar. It was, see: ‘Video of New Research Conducted with PlayStation Eye‘ (well worth a watch) on PlayStation.Blog which was posted a few months ago. At the time I thought the potential was great, so let’s hope for more innovative uses of the PlayStation Eye!