(Note: I was originally going to call this post “Gentleman, start your engines” but due to equality issues and the phrase having nothing to do with trophies, it was scrapped. That’s your dose of trivia for the day!)
Well, enough games are now out there that have trophy support. First I had a ‘blast’ on Super Stardust HD, which was the first PS3 game to have trohpy functionality, and now I’m engrossed with PixelJunk Eden (need to complete those gardens!). My next target will be another play-through of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, which I am really going to relish.
I suppose my future targets will be Warhawk and LittleBigPlanet, which I both like, really need to buy! This is especially true for Warhawk, seen as it has had several free updates. I’m one of these people who try to hold out on buying certain games till they come down in price! Several games I want though are stubbornly remaining at quite a high price.
That’s besides the point though. What I really want to say is good luck to all trophy hunters! I’ll be collecting trophies myself, though not at the frentic pace of some of you. I’ll probably mention something more about trophies a few months down the line. Till then!